Benefits of Membership
- Learning Opportunities – most of our meetings have an emphasis on learning
- Photowalks – planned group trips to nearby locations with photo opportunities
- Occasional “Hands-On” workshops
- Competition – we have six club competitions a year that are scored by a judge who makes both positive comments and ideas for improvement
- Membership in the Twin Cities Area Council of Camera Clubs (TCACCC) includes an annual competition for clubs and club members
- Membership in North Central Council of Camera Clubs (N4C) includes six monthly competition opportunities
- Exhibit Opportunities
- NEW! The ability to have a portfolio on our web site
- NEW! Free lending library of books and videos
- Access to the club’s Facebook group
- Year End Party and Awards
- Friendship – making new friends who share the same passion
How to Join
It’s easy to join by attending a meeting. Dues for a single membership are $35.00 for a calendar year. Family membership is also an option for an additional charge of $10.00 per year for each additional family member living under the same roof.
Membership Form
We ask that all members download and complete this membership form to help us get to know you and to plan.
- First download the form
- Open the form
- Fill in the form
- Save the form
- Attach the completed form and attach it to an email addressed to