Frequently Asked Questions
Why are competitions called “salons?” The term “salon” comes from the French word for “parlor” or “living room,” which originally referred to a gathering place where artists would display their work for others to admire and critique. In the context of photography today, a salon is a forum where photographers showcase their best work to be judged and critiqued.
Do prints have to conform to the same categories as digital images? No. Prints are open to all styles of photography and all editing techniques.
Can I submit a scan of a print or film negative as a digital image? Yes, as long as the print was your own work and meets the criteria for the category.
What techniques or styles are permitted in the Topic category? Everything is permitted in the Topic category, as long as the subject matter is related to the topic. The Topic category is an open competition unrestricted to style or editing technique.
Do images taken on camera phones have to be entered in the phone category? No. Phone camera images may be entered in any category, but only images taken with a phone camera may be entered in the Phone category.
How much editing is permitted in Nature? The Nature category permits minor adjustments, including the adjustments to exposure, removal of sensor dust or scratches on scans of negatives, dodging and burning, sharpening, contrast, toning, white balance and color adjustment, and conversion to grayscale.
Are composite images allowed in Nature? No. Nature composites are prohibited in the Nature category, but you can enter them in other categories.
Are images of zoo animals permitted in the Nature category? Yes, but some salon judges disfavor zoo images and may score an obvious zoo image lower than images taken in the wild.
In what categories are HDR images permitted? HDR images are permitted in all categories. However, images that appear realistic or natural are unsuitable for the Altered Reality category. Similarly, HDR images that distort the reality of the image (e.g. intense saturation or texture) are unsuitable for Pictorial and Nature.
May infrared images be entered in competitions? Infrared images may be entered as a print, either color or monochrome. But, because infrared photography captures lights that is not naturally visible to the human eye and has a surreal appearance, it is unsuitable for digital Nature and Pictorial categories. Infrared images are permitted in all other digital categories.
Can I enter a triptych image? Yes. Triptych images may be entered in any category, except Nature.
In what categories is selective coloring permitted? Selective color refers to a photographic technique where only certain parts of an image are left in color while the rest is converted to grayscale. The technique alters the reality of the image so it is unsuitable for Nature or Pictorial in the digital class. In the print class, it is unsuitable for Monochrome.
Can I submit a digital image with a border? Yes. Borders are permitted. The border is not considered an element of the image, and it may be computer generated or produced by a third-party.
Are images with texture layers permitted? Yes, in certain categories. Texture layers tend to distort the reality of the image and are usually best suited for Altered Reality. However, they can be submitted in Phone and Topic categories. Images with texture layers are ineligible for Nature and Pictorial. The texture layer must be the creation of the photographer; third-party textures are prohibited.
Can someone else edit my images? No. You must edit your own images, but you may receive advice and assistance from others.
Can I use AI or computer-generated techniques to edit my own images? Yes, but AI cannot create elements for the image. For example, a photographer may use AI content aware to remove objects or fill voids in an image. In that case, the AI software generates material from the photographer’s own work. A photographer cannot use AI to create things that did not exist in the image. For example, a photographer cannot use AI to generate a mountain range that the photographer did not capture in the camera.
Are third-party textures permitted? No. All textures must be the work of the photographer.
Are third-party brushes permitted? Yes. Brushes are tools that a photographer uses to edit an image. Brushes are not considered elements of an image.
Can I enter a frame from a videorecording? No. Salons are restricted to still photography. Images derived from video recordings are not permitted.
Can I submit images taken by a drone? Yes, as long as you were the drone operator, and the image was capture as a still image.
Can I re-submit the same image at a future salon? Any image may be submitted twice during the salon year. The same image may be resubmitted in following years too. However, if that image receives an award in the year-end competition, the image is retired from competition and may not be submitted again in any category.
Can I enter the same image in multiple categories in the same salon? The same image may be entered in only two categories – i.e. two prints, two digital, or one print and one digital.
What is considered the “same image?” The “same image” is the identical image that was previously submitted or an image that looks substantially similar. For example, variations with editing, color, cropping and orientation are considered the same image. Color and monochrome versions are considered the same image. A burst of images that are visually identical are also considered the same image. When in doubt, ask the salon coordinator for an opinion.
What size and formats are acceptable? Digital images must be jpg. Digital images must have at least 1280 pixels and no more than 1920 pixels on the long side. Prints must be at least 8×10 inches and no bigger than 16×20 inches (including the mat or mounting).
Do my images need to be taken within a particular timeframe? No. There is no time restriction on entries.
Can images have identifying marks? No signature, stamp or any other identifying mark is allowed anywhere on the entry.
How does the judging process work? Each month, the salon coordinator selects a qualified judge who is unaffiliated with WWPC. The judge scores images anonymously to ensure that each entry is judged fairly and only based on the quality of the work. Each judge exercises independent judgment, but most judges evaluate the technical qualities of the image, the impact or “story-telling” qualities of the image, and the composition or creativity of the image.
What does it mean to be awarded an “acceptance?” An acceptance means the image was accepted for exhibition or publication. About 25 to 33% of the entries are awarded an acceptance. Those images are published on the WWPC website along with a photo credit to the photographer.
What can I do if I disagree with the score my image was given? The judge’s score is final, but don’t get discouraged. It is common for photographers to disagree with scores given by judges. Photographers are encouraged to consider judges’ critique but exercise your own judgment. You are the ultimate judge about the value of your art. Photographers are encouraged to re-submit images to get a different judge’s opinion.
How does the year-end competition work? Salon images scoring 8 or higher are automatically entered in the year-end competition. An experienced judge scores the images and gives awards.
Will the salon coordinator change the category if I entered an image in the wrong one? Salon competitions are meant to be fun and educational. If the salon coordinator thinks an image was entered in the wrong category, she may move it to the correct one or discuss the entry with the photographer. The salon judge, however, is the final arbiter of an image’s suitability for a particular category.
What rights do I retain to my images entered in a salon competition? You retain your rights to your image. However, by entering the contest, you grant WWPC permission to publish your image on the club website. If you do not want your image published, you must notify the salon coordinator.
Who should I contact if I have questions about the rules or need help entering an image? Contact the salon coordinator at