Portfolios are an opportunity for members to display a body of work and is a benefit of club membership.   A portfolio should reflect a photographer’s personal style and photographic interests and will also serve as an introduction to other club members.

The portfolio must have a title – up to five words – and must have a theme (either narrow or broad). A brief, concise (ideally no more than 75 words) Statement of Intent must be included that explains the purpose, objective, or intention of the photographer for the images presented in the portfolio.  Because the portfolios are not a competition, there are no image rules as long as the images fit the theme.

To submit a portfolio please include

  • Member Name (the way you want it to appear)
  • The portfolio title (five words or less)
  • The portfolio statement of intent (75 words or less is the ideal) that explains the purpose, objective, or intention of the photographer for the images presented).
  • Eight to ten images in jpg format at 960 pixels on the long side. Give a meaningful title that includes the order that you would like the photos to be viewed.  Example:  “1.My First Portfolio image”
  • Submit your portfolio to portfolio@wiphotoclub.com

You will be able to update your portfolio with different images or replace an existing portfolio with an entirely different portfolio two times a year.

The portfolio idea is borrowed from the Photographic Society of America’s portfolio challenge.  Here is what PSA has to say:

 “I encourage everyone to challenge yourself to the portfolio project for several reasons: it forces you to consider what your best work is; it helps you to confirm your identity as a photographer and to articulate it in words and images; it challenges you to consider your work not just as individual images, but as a true body of work; it helps you to become better at critiquing your work – its strengths and weaknesses – and improving it. And, ultimately, it’s fun!” ~Marie Rakoczy, BPSA




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