Portfolio Title:  Concert Photography – My Favorite Photos

Statement of Intent:  I grew up loving music and amazed with some of the photos taken of bands in concert.  A friend gave me the opportunity to photograph some local concerts, followed by national acts once I proved I could actually shoot them.  Most acts (especially the big names) only allow you to shoot the first 3 songs.  It may be one of the biggest rushes I have ever experienced, especially shooting in the pit.  You are herded into the shooting area with other photographers just before the concert starts.  Then, the artist appears and you quickly try to adjust your exposure and keep adjusting as the light intensity, color and direction vary and the artist leans over the stage and blocks the lights, etc.  If there are a lot of other photographers, you are constantly dodging them and if there is a unique shot, everyone is trying to get in position to get the shot.   The shoot time can be less than 10 minutes (depending on the length  of the songs) and it is so exhilarating.  Then you load the photos on the computer and see them on a larger screen and can be either depressed, or excited all over again.  I hope the photos show even a small degree of the excitement that I experience.

Hover over the images to see the title.  Click on the thumbnails to see full size.

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